Students must take a minimum of five courses for credit each semester (six courses recommended), complete at least 23 credits, satisfy the following distribution requirements, and fulfill the additional graduation requirements listed below. Students must receive a passing grade in all courses taken for credit. A failed class may be made up only under requirements specifically approved by Head of the Upper School.
Academic Distribution Requirements for Graduation
English | English I, II, III, IV | 4 |
History & Social Sciences | Ancient World & Age of Empires, The Modern World, and U.S. History | 3 |
Mathematics | Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, and a 4th course for which Algebra II is a prerequisite. Must earn at least 3 credits in the Upper School | 4 |
Science | Biology, Chemistry, Physics | 3 |
World and Classical Languages | Minimum of 3 years/levels of the same language in the Upper School | 3 |
Fine Arts |
Minimum of 4 semesters, which may be split among visual arts, music, and theater. |
2 |
Physical Education | Ninth-grade students must participate in 2 of the 3 seasonal offerings. Tenth-grade students must participate in 1 of the 3 seasonal offerings. | 2 |
Electives | Any courses over and above departmental graduation requirements may receive elective credit. | 2 |
Additional Graduation Requirements
Community Service: All Upper School students are required to complete at least 10 hours of community service each year.
Senior Speech: Every senior is required to give a 7 to 10-minute speech to the entire Upper School.