COVID-19 Testing Resources

If you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, contact your physician or see testing options available below. In addition, your student can also get rapid testing at the PCDS Health Center during school hours.

Banner COVID-19 School Testing: Banner Urgent Care

HonorHealth Urgent Care: COVID-19 testing is available for people age 3 months and older. You will not be charged for the test at the time it is administered. If you have health insurance, HonorHealth will bill your insurance. Your insurance will determine the amount you owe. If you do not have health insurance, the HonorHealth billing department will work with you to determine the cost of getting tested. Please call ahead for an appointment. Listed below are the respiratory clinic locations for patients with symptoms of COVID-19 and other respiratory conditions.

HonorHealth Bethany Home: Call 602-674-6260 to schedule.
HonorHealth McKellips: Call 480-587-5520 to schedule.

COVID Testing Sites:
If you are interested in free monthly/bimonthly COVID screening for your student, PCR testing can be performed at the sites below. Alternatively, rapid antigen Abbot BinaxNow tests are available over the counter at your nearest pharmacy. 

ASU Biodesign: In partnership with ADHS, saliva tests are offered at multiple locations. You do not need a symptom to be tested. Cost free. The current agency code is SALIVATEST. Available for age 5+.

Embry Women’s Health Testing Blitz: Shallow nose swab tests are available at 16 locations throughout town. You do not need a symptom to be tested. Tests performed for any age individual. Many locations are 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They will use insurance if available, but if you don’t have insurance, testing is still free.

Walgreens, CVS: Tests are available for age 18+. Over-the-counter rapid antigen Abbot BinaxNow tests can also be purchased at many local pharmacies.

University of Arizona: Free COVID Antibody tests for frontline workers.

COVID-19 Sick and Reporting Policy

In the event of illness or COVID-19 exposure, email the Health Center with name, date of onset of symptom, and contact number.

Maricopa County Public Health’s easy to use isolation tool reflects PCDS's policies, which also align with CDC policies and guidelines.