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Portrait of a Graduate


I am an individual.

Where I come from, where I am headed, and the path I have chosen make me unique. I know things other people don’t know, and I have the courage to ask questions others haven’t asked. I am proud of the things that make me different from others. I give myself permission to chase the things that challenge my mind and move my heart.

Part of a Whole

I am part of a whole.

I am an individual, but I am not alone. I am curious about others. I acknowledge that my experience is valid but that it does not tell me everything I need to know about the world. I seek out opportunities to understand the world outside of my experience. I am careful and compassionate, empathetic and effective in my communication, in speaking and listening. I am not just tolerant of difference; I believe the diversity of human experience is its strength.

How to Think

I know how to think.

I am knowledgeable, literate, and conversant in many subjects. I am proud of the things I know, but I joyfully acknowledge that there is much I don’t know. I am not ashamed of the limitations of my knowledge, because I love learning. I use what I know to learn what I don’t know. I seek to apply and practice concepts and skills in new and original ways, and I am not afraid of failure. I ask questions. I look for patterns and connections among disciplines. Having learned what I’ve learned, I know that I can learn.

Inclined to Action

I am inclined to action.

I solve problems with courage, ingenuity, resourcefulness, and dedication. I have made a difference in my community and I will continue to make a difference in the communities I join. I will use my education and my individuality to benefit someone other than myself. Because I know myself and I am curious about my world, I will identify an impact only I can make, and I will make it.